Sunday, 8 March 2009

24 back on form *S7 spoiler alert*

There's something strangely addictive about 24. Even when it reached ridiculous levels in series 6 where they nuked LA (the fridge), you still felt compelled to carry on watching. Though from that series onwards everyone knew they were on very thin ice, so what do they do? They have terrorists take over the Whitehouse.

I was worried they'd make the show all soft when you found out CTU was dismantled and the new President is a Captain Janeway-alike, but 12 episodes in and a truckload of tough moral dilemmas (coaxed along by Jack) we're safely back on track. The current bad guys have infiltrated the Whitehouse and are holding the President hostage, all in a oddly beleiveable way.

This leads to my last point, something that 24 manages to do that no other show can. It's formulaic but not predictable. You know it's all going to go tits up in the last 10 minutes of an episode but you never know how, and that's 24's unique brand of televisual fried gold that keeps it's broad spectrum of viewers coming back for more every single week. Oh, that and the whole unique real time story telling thing :v

My only concern is that the show has all but exhausted the US's well of generic enemies; Germans, Mexicans, Chinese, Russians, Middle Easterns, Eastern Europeans and Africans. So I finish with my own recommendation that will allow the shows eighth season to top the benchmark it's current one is rapidly setting.

Zombie Nazis:

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